The English Department maintains a Seminar Room library and research center on the first floor of Pedreira (Ped 108). The Seminar Room provides research material in English on Literature and Linguistics to graduate English majors and serves as a reference center for graduate students and professors of the English Department. A particular emphasis of the collection is the English-speaking Caribbean.
The Lewis C. Richardson Seminar Room is primarily an area for research and study. It is not a circulating library in the strict sense of the word. As a special privilege, professors, graduate students in the English Department, and any students taking graduate courses in the English Department may check out up to 2 bibliographic items (excluding reference books and theses) for 2 nights. All loans require a signature and a phone number, so we may contact the borrower if the material is needed urgently.
To facilitate research, the Seminar Room has three Internet-enabled computers available to users, as well as a wireless access point which permits wi-fi access to the UPR network via UPR student or employee accounts.
In addition to its library functions, the Seminar Room hosts guest lectures, round tables, dissertation defenses, poetry readings, and other activities for students of the Department of English.
Contact Information:
Seminar Room Director:
Seminar Room Librarian: (vacant)
Location: Pedreira Building – Room 108
Telephone: (787) 764-0000 ext. 89661, 89664
Hours of operation:
Monday-Friday 10:00 AM-12:00 PM; 1:00 PM-4:00 PM