Author Archives: Donald Escudero

Art Collections of the University of Puerto Rico

The history of art in Puerto Rico would be incomplete without mentioning the enormous contributions made over the last century by the leading institution of higher learning in our country, the University of Puerto Rico. The university’s commitment and unflagging efforts in fostering artistic sensibilities have characterized the education offered, to this day, in the lecture halls of our alma mater. Faced with rapidly changing realities, the Humanities and the Visual Arts position themselves as essential disciplines for a more comprehensive and inclusive education of present and future generations. In the hopes of contributing to this purpose, we present this edition of Visión Doble.

Colecciones de Arte de la Universidad de Puerto Rico

Resumen: No se puede narrar la Historia del Arte en Puerto Rico sin mencionar la enorme aportación que en los pasados cien años se ha gestado en la primera institución de educación superior de nuestro país, la Universidad de Puerto Rico. El compromiso y el esfuerzo a la hora de formar a ciudadanos sensibles hacia las diferentes manifestaciones artísticas ha caracterizado, hasta el día de hoy, la enseñanza que se ha impartido en las aulas de nuestra Alma Mater. Frente a una realidad que se transforma a un ritmo vertiginoso, las humanidades y las artes visuales se posicionan como disciplinas imprescindibles para la formación integral de las presentes y futuras generaciones. Con ánimo de aportar a este propósito es que presentamos la presente edición de Visión Doble.

Abstract: The history of art in Puerto Rico would be incomplete without mentioning enormous contributions made over the last century by the leading institution of higher learning in our country, the University of Puerto Rico. The university’s commitment and unflagging efforts in fostering artistic sensibilities have characterized the education offered, to this day, in the lecture halls of our Alma Mater. Faced with rapidly changing realities, the Humanities and the Visual Arts position themselves as essential disciplines for a more comprehensive and inclusive education of present and future generations. In the hopes of contributing to this purpose, we present this edition of Visión Doble.

Del constante reinicio: la trayectoria artística de Elizabeth Robles

Resumen: La prolífica creadora Elizabeth Robles ha desarrollado su trabajo en medios como la escritura, la curaduría, la producción plástica y también, durante décadas, la docencia. Sus proyectos ocuparán los próximos días las salas de espacios artísticos de reconocido prestigio, motivo que conduce a entablar esta conversación. En ella nos revela cómo su proceso de crecimiento creativo reinicia cada vez que progresa.

Abstract: Elizabeth Robles, a prolific creator, has developed her work in different media such as writing, curatorship, visual arts, and, for decades, also teaching. Her projects will soon be exhibited in renowned artistic spaces, and this is the reason why this conversation is initiated. It reveals how the process of her creative growth has a new beginning every time it progresses.