Tag Archives: Pop art

Lost and Found: Assessments of Suzi Ferrer’s Decade-Long Career in Puerto Rico

Resumen: Este ensayo traza la carrera de Suzi Ferrer, comenzando con la que es su obra más temprana conocida y culminando con un breve estudio de la que la artista consideraba su obra más madura: una serie de instalaciones que produjo en la primera mitad de la década de 1970. Este cuerpo de trabajo se analiza a través del lente de arte pop proto-feminista, donde se puntualiza la sexualidad y el placer femenino. Ferrer, de manera similar a otras artistas Pop de su generación e imbuida en el movimiento de liberación sexual y el feminismo de la segunda ola, creó obras que subvirtieron el statu quo político y social.

Abstract: This essay maps Suzi Ferrer’s career, beginning with her earliest known work and culminating with a brief study of a work that the artist considered her most mature: complex, immersive art installations she produced in the first half of the 1970s. This body of work is discussed through a proto-feminist Pop art lens, where female sexuality and pleasure are at the forefront. As with other female Pop artists of her generation, Ferrer created works that subverted the political and social status quo, which were influenced by the sexual liberation movement and the second-wave feminism.